Thursday, September 04, 2008

Flies to Tie this Winter

These are the flies I have to tie this winter:


Killer Midges

Mercury Midge

Black Mercury Midge

Black Beauty


Chironomid Bomber

Zebra Midge

Pheasant Tails - with legs

Copper Johns

Skinny Nelson Flashback


Baetis Emerger

Ultra Prince


Hare's Ear - Olive

Green Machines


More to come....


Anonymous said...

Geez, how many of each? I'm a wuss fly tier--I'm lucky to tie a couple dozen flies all year, and it looks like you have a couple dozen different patterns.

My hats off to anyone who ties a lot of flies--you're the man!

Brandon said...

I do tie a lot of flies - more than I could possibly fish. But I'm a nymph-o, so that menas a fly takes me a minute or two at most to tie - and they ain't pretty. Those flies are samples of the ones I want to tie - I put them here so that I can have a record of some of the flies I love.

If you were to add some to that list, what would you add?

Anonymous said...


I don't fish a lot of nymphs, but when I do, your "Killer Midge" (bead head brassie) is probably my all time favorite in sizes 16-20. I'll mostly tie variations of that fly for 90% of my nymphing needs: wire color, bead color, with/without the peacock herl, with/without trailing shuck, etc.

I tie the following in parachute, regular and emerger: sprout midge, adams, pmd and bwo.

Elk hair caddis (and varieties thereon), cdc midge and cdc caddis.

Beetle, grasshopper and salmonfly.

So about a dozen base patterns but with variations. OK, I actually tie about four dozen flies in a good year.