Sunday, May 12, 2024

South Park - May 11, 2024


Did another overnight in the truck in South Park. 

Cold night - but I was up at 4:45am and in the parking lot at 5:30am meeting up with Kratt and his son again. 
Hiked in, started fishing by 6ish. It was dead - couldn't stir anything up. 
The sun popped out and it started warming up, but it didn't last - sun went in and a cold wind started blowing. 
I was done by about 10am and hiked out on my own. 
Kratt stuck around, but while I was undressing at the truck, he was walking back out as well. 
Change of plans and needed a new plan - I know of a few rivers in the area, but most would be high, blown out and muddy.
I hit a great oxbow river that happened to be somewhat clear and not too high. 
The fishing was tough, but I caught a couple. 
Lots of snags in the river and lost a bunch of rigs.
Beautiful river and valley - lots of elk hanging out in the valley.

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