Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spinney, Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not much to report. My buddy Scott and I hit Spinney on Saturday. Day started nasty in Confier with heavy snow - couldn't see 20 feet in front of the truck, made it slow going. Took 2 hours to get there. Saw a Ford Focus with an elk in it's windshield just outside of Fairplay - scary and sad. The roads were a mess over Kenosha and all the way to Fairplay. Just outside of fairplay it cleared and the roads were dry.

Hiked in from the northwest lot - still a very long walk in - caught 1 fish each all day. Scott nabbed a 15 incher chunky rainbow and I caught a 19 inch solid rainbow. Only had one other hook up the whole day. It was a breezy day - not crazy wind, but still enough to be cold and painful. Blowing snow hit us on and off all day. Walked to the bluffs which were muddy and silty. Left around 1pm, roads were wet most of the way, dry on this side of Kenosha, not a drop of snow in Conifer, home in my house around 4pm.

Crappy day, but hey, at least I got out.

Before Fairplay

After Fairplay - big difference


nell said...

Love CO just for that reason!

Unknown said...

Looks awsum to me, all that snow?