Monday, June 26, 2023

Winter Park - first trip of the year 2023

Dropped Z off to hit Trestkle for the day.  So I headed to go fishing.

Water was off colored throughout the Fraser basin - so had to go up higher to find good water.  The water was gin clear higher up - but super high - all that damn snow melting.  More water and same number of fish means harder to catch - so you have to find a toilet bowl sized back eddy and throw in your hopper.  I managed only one huge brookie - largest one I have ever caught out of this creek - probably ran 12 inches (maybe 13, but I doubt it).

After lunch (and getting Z's bike fixed at the local shop), I dropped him off and headed way up above Fraser to check out another drainage.  The water was high and fast, but gin clear.  Fished it until the mosquitos chased me off.  Managed one fish, a pretty cutthroat - grabbed the midge under the hopper.  

I was just getting back in the truck around 5:30 when Z texted me he wiped out pretty badly and needed help.  I rushed to him (although I was 30 minutes away) - he was pretty torn up wih deep scrapes on his back and shoulders and arms.  The helmet saved him.  Gloves would have too - but apparently those are uncool to wear.  SMH.

Hoping to be back up there again this weekend - although I think this snowmelt is going to last well into July.

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