Wednesday, April 30, 2008

oh what a night!

Well, it isn't over yet, but it has been fun. I'm sore as hell from doing P90X two nights in a row. Of course I started with the week 4 dvd without knowing it and it kicked my ass! But honestly the workouts are intense and will work. The guy who runs them is a freak. I barely made it through one dvd (only a 54 minute workout) in two days! The workouts are intense but key on specific muscles and work them hard.

Anyways, I'm watching the Celts play well tonight - up by 15 but still not playing as well as they could. Joe Johnson and Josh Smith are animals! These guys are going to be superstars. The Celts have to win away from the Garden - which remains to be seen. The Hawks are a young team that the Celts have to work hard to cover - I think they will actually play better against teams like Detroit or Cleveland that play at a slower pace. That is JMO, but they have to play better than games 3 and 4. Double teaming Johnson has helped a ton - because no one else on the floor (except Smith) can score.

The Sox won tonight 2-1 on a Tek single with 2 outs. This came right after Jed Lowrie got thrown out at the plate. DiceK pitched amazingly with 7 innings and 2 hits allowed. This is the second game where the offense has been absent until the bottom of the 9th. Ortiz did hit a HR in this game and went 2-4. Hopefully he is getting out of his slump.

Yanks lost, the Canadians lost, it is a good day! The kid wonder of the Yanks, Philip Hughes has sucked ass as I predictedN and went on the disabled list. The Yanks are in so much trouble it is almost comical. I doubt they make the playoffs - and if they don't it will be a massacre because Georgie will croak. Too funny!

Celts are about to win - but I'm not convinced the Celts can win in Atlanta.

Other than that, we had a good day today - Jen and I went to the doctors and got a healthy checkup on our pregnancy - yes, we are pregnant again. 7 weeks along - and we saw a heartbeat - so a big reason to celebrate today.

Again, it was a good day.

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